Tuesday, February 13, 2007

fight! for your right! to stay awake!!

the greatest force that can act against you and completely immobilize you is sleep.
i can't stay up. i'm trying to study and instead i'm doing the head-bang - you know, where you're sitting there, minding your business, trying to work, and instead the force of sleep keeps pushing your head down. so it descends slowly slowly until the point where you realize you're actually NOT in your comfortable bed and you're actually NOT allowed to go to sleep yet because you actually DO have a midterm tomorrow that you actually WILL fail if you go to sleep...so your head jerks up, and stays up for about a second of you life until the whole vicious cycle starts again.
this scientific phenomenon, occuring most often around exam time, is apparently referred to as "nodding off" as my friend kim points out to me each time i tell her i was doing the head-bang at some place where it was very inappropriate for any heads to be banging. but anyways: nodding off, heads banging, eyes taking on a life of their own and refusing to stay open => it's all the same condition. and it is a serious one. one which surprisingly has not been considered until now, but that needs to be remedied. the danger of this threating enemy cannot be ingnored any longer!
we humans are losing the fight against sleep and it needs to stop. it's time we reclaimed our ability to control our body parts.

what do we want?
what else do we want?
what else do we want?
no, i meant regarding this situation.
no no, we want sleep, just not at inconvenient times - oh nevermind. when do we want it??

[this message brought to you by the government of bita's brain]

p.s. or maybe we could just abolish midterms??


Anonymous Anonymous said...

let wArmth of day hold you -
coldness of night never touch you.
what we shared shall last.

in the end we'll meet again.

cold spot by your side;
no hand to hold, no face to see.
you never wander alone.

in the end time is never enough;
look Back and remember the life.

until we meet again -
time is never enough.

tears are water for the growing plant,
let them come, you neeD them tonight.
lonely years ahead, memories alight.

UntiL we meet again
in the end
time is never enough.

untiL we meet Again

my Heart bleeds

bita ... i miss her soooo much :

keep your eyes on the capitals letters to know who i am

11:39 PM  
Blogger bita said...

i know who you are!!
lol...nice! i like this game.

i know you do...i completely understand. i'm not going to say it gets better with time, because i know you won't believe me right now. and i won't say that everything happens for a good reason, because you won't believe that either.

i will remind you though that God loves you so much, more than another human could love you, and He watches out for you and makes sure you're ok.

"everything is alright in the end. if it's not alright, then it's not the end."

finally, never forget that you're not alone. we are here. call me whenever. i'll listen.

4:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks :)

7:27 PM  

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