Tuesday, September 19, 2006

i feel like i'm losing you. it's just not the same. we're both so busy. there is so much to do now, real life to take care of, grown-up things to worry about, serious things to think about.
i know that.
i'm really scared about it all too. i'm walking on that thin line between being a child and an adult, about to fall over into that big huge pond that will consume me, overpower me, take over my life, my thoughts, my soul...make me care about it all. so much responsibility. so much to do. and
there is never enough time to do it all. and the more i do, the more i need to do. it's like all the work i do has a reverse affect.
see? i'm going through the same thing you are. i feel the same way you're feeling. i'm scared, just like you. i panic and can't sleep at night either, just like you. i feel lost and helpless, just like you. i feel like i started thinking about all this way too late, just like you. i feel like life is rushing by me at lightning speed and i have no control over it, just like you.
so why aren't you here feeling overwhelmed WITH me? why have you gone away and left me all alone? why have you taken away the stability you always provided to my craziness and drama?
i understand, i guess. life is serious now. we can't be silly anymore. this is it. the last stretch. only one more step left and we're there. no more games. no more wasting time, chatting, giggling, being SILLY. we're grown-ups now.
but i miss it. i miss the games. and the chatting. and the giggling. and being SILLY.
and most of all, i just miss you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being concerned about your life and burdening the responsiblities you have in life is a virtue. Getting overwhelmed and anxious paves the road to the point where you will be missing the edge.

Peace upon you dear

4:37 PM  
Blogger bita said...

yeah that's true...when you let yourself feel overwhelmed you can't get anything done!! and then you just feel worse. lol.
p.s. thanks :D

9:35 AM  

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