Saturday, September 16, 2006

what do thoughts look like?
we all have the same brain, so how come some people are smarter than other people?
what is it in beautiful things that makes them beautiful?
why is it that we can know the past and not the future?
and why can our actions today affect the future but not the past?
how did people wash their hair before shampoo? or their teeth without toothpaste? with JUST water?? did that really clean it??
how come it became a custom for women to wear make-up but not for men?
why do we have two eyes even though both of them face the same direction (one would have been sufficient...)?
what does a soul look like?
feel like?
smell like?
is it immortal?
wait, do we even have a soul?
why can we only think about one thing at a time (one thought has to end before we think the next one) instead of all at once?
what is happiness?
how does memory work? how come you remember some things so vividly and other things escape your mind in a second?
do computers think?
can we create intelligence?
why did God create humans?
DID God create humans?
why do we die?
why do we live?
why do we die when we do? why not live 200 years instead of 75?
why do we get sick?
why do things work worse as time passes instead of better?
why do we need love?
what is love?
how come beauty is subjective ("in the eye of the beholder")?
why in the world did someone pay 1.8 million dollars for "the voice of fire" (
what is real?
how do i know this is real?
how do i know anything?
how does my brain think?
what is a feeling?
why do i look the way i do? why don't my sisters look exactly like me even though we share the same genes?
why was i born to these specific parents in this specific culture at this specific time?
what if my mom had only had two kids instead of three? what if she had had four? am i missing out on a sibling that i'll never know about?
what if i had never been born?
what would have happened if we'd never immigrated to Canada?
would i be the same person?
what is it in me that makes me bita?
what is my essence?
what is essence in general?
what is the purpose of life?
what is outside of the edges of the universe?
what happened before time?
why did hegel have to write in such a way that i want to shoot myself whenever i attempt to read his works?
are there things that i don't have the ability to see, just like there are sounds that my ear can't hear (like the frequency that only dogs hear)?
if yes, then does that mean that i walk through solid objects that i can't see?
are there no such things as solid objects?
what is a solid object?
why do i believe the things i do? what is it in my brain that categorizes some things as true and some things as false? how does it recognize truth?
why do i like some things and not others?
what is desire?
why does it move me?
what does it look like? is it beautiful?
why is the sun yellow?
why do we sleep?
and why do we sleep at night but not the day?
to sleep, why do our eyes have to be closed, but not our ears?
why don't vegetables taste good even though they are so good for you? why is anything that's good for you so painful, while things that aren't good for you are so tempting?
what is a habit?
how come we become habituated to behave a certain way and like certain things?
what happens in our brain when we develop a habit?
how come it is so difficult to break a habit?
why do we want things we can't have?
why does our will not go according to our reason?
how come we have an idea of God in our brains?
how come we can't see God?
what is God?
why do we call God by the name 'God'?
why do we feel jealousy? or fear?
why is benyamin such a good singer (and sooo cute!)?
why do we understand some things and not other things?
what is it in our brain that makes us understand something?
what is the limit of our understanding?
why do we dream?
what is a colour made out of?
why don't we know anything when we are born?
how do we learn?
why do we cry?
why do we so desperately want to be alive?
why doesn't time move slower? Or faster?
how does gravity keep us rooted to the ground – how does it REALLY work?
why do we get angrier with the people we love most?
how was the universe created?
why do i always leave my essays to the last minute?
do things have an end/purpose or is everything for the sake of something else?
how come to move an inanimate object I have to use my own power to move it (e.g. to move a chair I have to pick it up) but alive things move on their own without any external force? in other words, what is life? what does being alive MEAN?
what happens after you die?
why did women start wearing nail polish? and how does nail-polish stay on nails anyways?


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