Saturday, October 14, 2006

you know when you want something? really want it? with your whole being? more than you've wanted anything before? as if your life depended on it? like this was the only alternative? the best choice out there? and if you got it, it would totally make your life? you can't think of anything else? and you're so scared that you won't get it? you feel like you're hanging on by a thread and it all depends on something other than yourself? you've done everything you could have done until now, and somehow it doesn't feel enough, but there is nothing more you can do? you've run out of time? yet it doesn't even really matter, cause you want it anyway? and you will do anything you have to do to get it? including stalking?
do you know what i mean?

oh i so want you, U of T...


Blogger Massey said...

take my word, bita-ness, you're getting in. in fact, you're already in :) you're gonna rock it!

11:47 PM  

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