Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year’s Resolutions for 2007

1) I will not procrastinate and leave things to the last minute.
2) I will do all my readings.
3) I will try not to procrastinate.
4) No, no ‘try’! I will seriously NOT procrastinate.
5) I will practice greek at least for an hour every day.
Hmm...I feel like I’ve forgotten something...
Oh yeah! I remember now:
6) I’m not going to procrastinate!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Bita,
You changed, and I know you will achieve, the unachievable in 2007.
You are great, and at the end, you will be enormous.
But don’t forget:
1) Your great and fabulous friends and Family. [For Dear Massey ;)]
2) You were born to succeed, not to fail.
3) You can finish school, and even make it easy but you never finish your education, and it's seldom easy.
4) The man who has done his best has done everything.
5) The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it.

Anyway I know you CAN BITA, and we are by your side.

:) ***HAPPY NEW YEAR*** :)

10:56 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Greek? tikaniremalaka? hehheee, that is soo coooool :) how many languages do you speak by the way :P

6:18 PM  
Blogger bita said...

dear anonymous: wow, thank you! you make my day, with your great and very much appreciated encouragement. now i will definitely have to try to live up to these words.
happy new year to you too!

rouhiiiiii: tikaniremalaka yanee chee? is it really a word or did you make it up? hmm? (raised eyebrow face) or is it modern greek? cause i'm studying ancient greek - and unfortunately it's completely different from modern (i.e. useless).
languages i know:
fluently, including the works (reading, writing, speaking, understanding)? two.
kinda a little bit, enough to pass by as a tourist (reading, understanding, speaking BADLY)? two.
just beginning to learn and can barely function in (reading, but not understanding without looking up every word in the dictionary)? two.

1:32 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Sallaaam Bita, baba ey val kolli zabun baldi ke, afarin :) 'every language is a window to a new world' heheee, ey kash mishod hameye zabuna ro yad begiram :(

tikaniremalaka! nemidunam emlasho dorost neveshtam ya na? vali hamun tarkibe 'ti kanis' + 'malaka' hast, ino yeki az dustaye greekam behem goft ke baraye ahvalporsi beyne dustaye kheili samimi bekar mire tu zabune amiyane :) manish ham shayad tu in mayeha bashe : 'chetori baba' mmm, hheee.

12:03 PM  
Blogger I do not know said...

Hi, Professor Hesabi in his 60s enters a shop in Germany and because he didn't know German was not able to communicate with the salesperson and felt this need to learn German, so he commited himself to spend half an hour before going to bed learning German Languange.


In his 90s while he was in hospital, like usual he read his part of German language and went to sleep, and died that midnight.

This story has been told by Professor Hesabi's Son Iraj Hesabi.

4:09 PM  

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