Sunday, June 04, 2006

i went to see The Break-up today (the movie with jennifer anniston [one 'n'? two 'n's?] and vince vaughn).

WARNING: i'm about to give away the ending...if you're planning on seeing it and don't want to know what happens, STOP READING RIGHT NOW. (i will also discuss the movie Prime and the same warning applies)


the movie was about this couple who were kind of wrong for each other. their relationship had gone down-hill. jennifer anniston breaks up with vince vaughn hoping he will realize that he can't live without her and change his behaviour. i went in thinking that obviously they were going to get back together and live happily ever after, cause this is a movie and things tend to work out in movies. but you know what??? THEY ACTUALLY BROKE-UP and went their separate ways!! i couldn't believe it! i mean, this is hollywood. what happened to the miracle ending where everything turns out ok? this movie freakishly resembled real life.
this seems to be the trend in movies these days. i also watched Prime, with Uma Thurman, recently. in that movie she plays a 39 year-old woman dating her therapist's 23 year-old son. although Uma and the boy love each other very much, they are at completely different stages of their lives (Uma wants a baby, but the boy is not ready yet). so what happens? no, not some magical solution that suddenly ages the boy about 10 years and allowes them to be together. no no, nothing like that (the normal expectation one has of hollywood). instead THEY BREAK UP TOOOOO! why are movies so real these days? if i wanted to see real life, i wouldn't go to a movie - i would look around myself at actual real life. i go to the movies to escape reality - i go to the movies to experience a dream world where everything works out and people overcome every single imaginable problem...not to be reminded that some problems are just beyond my control!!
i was so disappointed...they actually broke up...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol it's funny to hear that..seems like hollywood is turning into bollywood.
I have alot to say on this matter, yet my english is not good, so, I try to cut my craps here,
just a couple of points though:
1. Cinema trys to reveal the true stories happening in the life of the cuurent time.
2. Our interpretation of the movies depend siginificantly on our mood when watch a movie for the first time.
3. you said "this movie freakishly resembled real life. " is real life all about breaking up these days? is that the way you see it?
that means, the foundation of reationships are so weark that you can't find anymore couples these days that will be holding their hands 35 years from now in a play?
why is that? things happen for a if the live of ours and our generation is going on such a trend that people break up easily?
isn't it because we are growing up in a world that we see our own benefits at first, and we try to avoid accepting any responsiblity and burdens from our partner?
then we try to bring up reasons for our lack of patience and mis-responsiblity that he/she was not the right guy/girl...we try to base those reasons on perfectionism...which is a fake one

1:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10:00 PM  

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