Friday, June 16, 2006

(saturday june 17, 2006 - 12:35 pm) wow, this topic has caused a lot of controversy. so i'm going to explain its context. i was hungry and i went to get some food. i had the choice between salad and coffee ice cream. the salad was obviously the healthy choice and better for me in general. my mind knew that.
however, i chose the coffee ice cream.
it made me think, this happens quite often...where you know what is good but you still choose to do the wrong thing.
the following conversation is a fictional one between my reason and my passion, where my reason is chastizing my passion for not choosing the better thing.

"you have bad taste."
"no i don't."
"yes you do."
"what makes you an authority on taste?"
"i'm no authority. but your taste is so bad that it doesn't take an authority to be able to tell."
"shut the hell up."
"and you have bad manners."
"no i don't."
"yes you do."
"what makes you an authority on manners?"
"i'm no authority. but your manners are so bad that it doesn't take an authority to be able to tell."
"you are such a loser. why would you say i have bad taste and bad manners?"
"well i said you have bad taste because you can't recognize good things. you think something that looks good is actually good, when it really isn't. you don't even try to really see it and understand whether or not it really is good. you choose things based on what they appear to be like, regardless of whether or not they really are like that. and then when there is something that is truly good, you pass it by. you can't even recognize its goodness. that is bad taste. your mind's taste-buds can't distinguish good from bad."
"you know what? i'm going to go back to 'shut the hell up'."
"and that is why i said you have bad manners."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the Deliverance which is open to but that was before they got back last eight years. Now they just need a The efforts have paid off in several to ascertain how to best accommodate

9:48 PM  
Blogger bita said...

sorry, what??

10:11 PM  
Blogger bita said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

10:22 PM  
Blogger bita said...

the conversation was a fictional one between my reason/mind and my passions/desires.

10:27 PM  
Blogger Massey said...

Oscar Wilde once said that the only thing he cannot resist is temptation.
passion and desire, no matter how human they are, are destructive if not controlled.. and i guess, it's this very characteristic of them that makes us human.

know thyself :)

9:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"amin said...
emm, some one had few to many...

now regarding u bita, do I sense ur becoming a complete judgmental beast. Ur the one who always acused me of being judgmental, and if this conversation really took place, it proves that u have become judgmental. Thats how this thing starts, u start rationalizing something, and u force urself to beleive that it is the truth and the other person is wrong.

11:15 PM"

It is very ironic how in this whole comment, your judging her. Funny how some people are so sure of themselves and feel as if theyre saying something very productive and right, but are only embaressing themselves. =]

10:48 AM  
Blogger saeedgh said...

ماییم که گه نهان و گه پیداییم
گه مؤمن و گه یهود و گه ترساییم

تا این دل ما قالب هر دل گردد
هر روز به صورتی برون میآییم

1:38 PM  
Blogger bita said...

massey: lol - nice quote by mister wilde (brilliant man) - i love his irony. i'm a little bit confused massey. so are you saying that we shouldn't try to control our passions (since you said that's what makes us human and we should know ourselves)? or is it the ever-present possibility of destruction that makes us human?

3:02 PM  

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