you know what i love??
yay extra hour...
yay extra hour...
Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become your character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.
i forgot about it, and ended up showing to church an hour early, i was about to get of self righteous about being there on time when i realized my stupidity and went for a coffee and some Kierkegaard. Ironically, the essay I was reading was "Love covers a multitude of sins".
God's ways to keep me humble never ceased to amaze me.
Kierkeegard's essay was based on 1st Peter 4: 7-12.
Kierkeegard explains that by accepting the love of God we have come to realized our sins, but by the very same love those sins are covered.
Kierkeegard has a couple of essays under the same title, i found this one in a book called eighteen upbuilding discourses by PRinceton University Press.
kton: not me! i started counting down to it from like a week before. i was so excited - it's one of my favorite days of the year (because i can actually wake up in time after the change of the clock).
what's the essay about? to be honest, i haven't read much kierkeggard - apparently i really should get on that...
"God's ways to keep me humble never ceased to amaze me." - oh my God, sooooo true! i'm also amazed by the many many moments that force me to think 'wow, God really loves me...'
lol - right after publishing my comment, it showed that you had published a comment. i guess you answered my question...
"Kierkeegard explains that by accepting the love of God we have come to realized our sins, but by the very same love those sins are covered." - hmm, need to think about this...
have you read the divine comedy?
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