Tuesday, December 19, 2006

so, we put up our christmas tree.

"wait a minute," you exclaim [shocked and confused], "aren't you muslim?? i thought muslims didn't celebrate christmas, the birthday of jesus H. christ, day of the lord and virgins everywhere."
well, you are correct about that, little johnny. muslims do not, in fact, celebrate le christmas. and i am, in fact #2, le muslim.
however, i am an iranian muslim.
and what difference does that make? well, none really. iranian muslims don't celebrate christmas either. but my family is a celebrating peoples. which means we take any opportunity to celebrate la bella vita, la (le? friggin sexism of french) joie de vivre, it's a wonderful life, you get my drift: be it eid al-adha, eid al-fitr, christmas, low gas prices, a green light...whatever it may be, we celebrate it.
so anyways, back to the point of this post, which was:
we put up our christmas tree.

it's just pretty, ok?!?!


Blogger Massey said...

i love you like christmas loves christmas trees


11:34 PM  

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