Monday, June 26, 2006

have you ever had one of those moments when you think, "God loves me - He totally has my back!!"??
i had class today and i was supposed to leave the university at 2:30 (when my class ended) to go pick up my mom from ottawa u (her work) and then come back and pick my dad up from carleton (his work). my class ended two hours earlier (no, this isn't the moment yet...), and i thought to myself, "i'll check my e-mail, then i'll go to south keys (a shopping centre) and study in chapters instead of staying at the uni." after checking my e-mail, i went outside and started wallking to the parking lot. but something stopped me. i thought "no i'll just stay here in the court-yard and study, since the weather is so beautiful today." (note: the weather is not a good reason for me to have stayed though - i would have been able to enjoy it at chapters also, as there is a patio)
when i went to the car at 2:30, i ran into my dad, who was just about to leave a note on the car telling me not to pick him up after picking up my mom. had i gone to south keys my poor dad would have had no way of telling me not to pick him up. plus he would have worried, wondering what had happened to me and the car.
i know it seems like such a small thing, but i seriously felt like God Himself had stopped me from going to south keys because of was so nice to ACTUALLY feel it - feel that there is a being who always wants what's best for you and who is always protecting you.


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