Friday, June 09, 2006

tonight i wanted to make myself a cup of tea. our mugs are stacked on top of each other and when i opened the cabinet door one started to fall causing two more to fall with it. now, one thing about me is that i CANNOT's sad. my reflexes are slower than ( a really slow thing (i slept very little last night - my brain is kinda not working). but when the mugs fell i immediately reacted and caught two of them. one fell and broke, but i still caught two of them.
it made me think...we are designed to automatically react when we are in unsettling situations. i would never have been able to do that (catch them) if i had known that three things were going to be thrown to me (i.e. if it had been a planned event where i did not feel i was in danger), but when it happened (so unexpectedly), my body naturally reacted to protect me and handle the situation in the best possible way. so then that means that if i am ever presented with a stressful situation, i should not be worried, because the ability to react and deal with it lies innately within me...isn't that nice to know?


Blogger bita said...

hehehe - thanks for the help...:)

5:38 PM  

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