Tuesday, October 03, 2006

i think spanish is definitely one of my favorite languages in the world. i was just googling pablo neruda - the new love of my life - to find the full poem for my post on friday.

we interrupt this post for some background information: i am studying humanities. the Humanities program is very small (only about 200 students in all 4 years) and we are all pretty much friends and hang out a lot together. also, everyone is pretty artistic and talented. so we have these events called Music Night where people can display their talent (whatever that may be...this complete and utter freedom of performance sometimes results in presentation that are, um, let's just say 'interesting'). anyway, this friday, the 29th, was the first one of the year. there is this girl who read pablo neruda poems (in spanish and then the translation in english) and well the rest is history...

ok, back to this post, which is essentially a tribute to spanish: so as i was saying, on friday i hurriedly posted two lines of the poem kiersten read at music night. i had to go away for the weekend, so i didn't have time to find the full poem until today. right now i went on google (what would we do without google??) and found it - spanish AND english versions.
and i just want to say, i think WHATEVER is said in spanish just comes out beautifully. you could tell me ANYTHING in spanish, and i would take it as a compliment, cause it just sounds so nice...like you could say "es estupida." "es fea." etc. - and i would be like "oh why thank you" (insert blush face here)

to sum up: i love spanish and pablo neruda and music night and massey and 'Quiero hacer contigo lo que la primavera hace con los cerezos...'


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