Wednesday, October 04, 2006

i don't know what to write in my statement of interest...

i went to see professor laird about it today. he told me to be clearer and show that i have thought about this and that i know what i want to do. he even gave me an outline for it : paragraph 1) discuss where you're coming from (what you've studied until now), paragraph 2) develop what you're interested in (the core of what you're thinking about), paragraph 3) say where you're going (where you want to go to study).
PLUS, it's only one page single space.

i've written HUNDREDS of pages just in the last three years (let alone the 12 years of school before university). i've even written 15 pages all in one night. and yet, i'm sitting here staring at my computer lost for words, unable to fill this ONE page with my own ideas. i just don't know how to explain. how do you express using words the love and passion in your soul? even that, what i just wrote, "the love and passion in your soul" – it sounds pretentious and childish and lame when i try to put it into words. but it’s true - i LOVE it. i want to do this simply because i LOVE LOVE LOVE it. i wish i could just say that.

Statement of Interest:
four years ago i entered the humanities program at carleton university. in my second year, i began the study of philosophy. and i fell in love.
aristotle especially stole my heart, as he has beautiful and logical answers for EVERYTHING! studying his nicomachean ethics has improved my soul and made me much more human. if i could, i would go back to ancient greece and marry him and have his babies (and i wouldn't care that he had boyfriends)(they ALL did, frig)(IT WAS A CULTURAL THING!).
in graduate school, i want to continue being enlightened and improved by the ideas of such geniuses as aristotle, boethius, augustine, dante, kant, arendt, foucault and of course plato/socrates. i hope to do this at the university of toronto, in the Ancient and Medieval Philosophy program.
to sum up, i'm applying for this scholarship because i'm interested in continuing what i love to do and what makes me happy.

somehow i doubt they would give me $15 000 for that...

p.s. when i first heard about foucault, i thought it was spelled Fuko – loooool. then one time i saw his name written somewhere and i was like "who is this fu-cult person?" tehehe...let's just say i'm not putting THAT on my statement of interest (roll eyes)
p.p.s. actually, to be honest, i think i WOULD care a little bit if my husband had boyfriends...


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